We are experienced, bilingual (English & Español), ASHA certified speech therapists providing individualized therapy for clients of all ages.
Featured Services

Therapy services provided online.

Therapy to improve speech sounds.

Therapy to improve communication.

Therapy to improve feeding & swallowing.
Does your child need speech therapy?
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Did you know?
Oral Language
Children with oral language deficits often have reading problems. Children at risk for reading difficulty can be identified early by conducting oral language assessments in kindergarten.
Source: American Speech, Language and Hearing Association.
Specific Language
Specific Language Impairment or Developmental Language Disorder is one of the most common childhood disorders. It affects approximately 8% of children in kindergarten and difficulties often persist into adulthood.
Source: National Institue on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
Speech Impairments
Approximately 5% of preschoolers with speech impairments are diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech. This is a motor speech disorder that requires frequent and intensive therapy sessions. It is important to begin therapy when children are young.
Source: Apraxia Kids.
Speech-sound Disorders
About 9% of children suffer from speech-sound disorders. Speech and language disorders are the second most common reason for receiving special education support in schools.
Source: American Speech, Language and Hearing Association.