Earth Day Videos for Inquiring Little Minds

Earth Day Videos for Inquiring Little Minds

Earth Day is a reminder to teach children the importance of caring for the world we live in. I’ve compiled a list of 5 Earth Day videos that you and your kids can watch together. Some of them are songs and some are little stories.

I encourage you to talk with your child about what you see and what is happening in the videos. Remember to use phrases that are appropriate for your child. It is important to remember that too much screen time for children is not healthy. Sit with your child and enjoy these videos together. Make comments that promote talking or amazement. Teach the social skill of commenting about what we see and what we think. 

If you want your child to formulate or imitate phrases that are 2-3 words long, I recommend that you model the use of 2-3 word phrases when speaking with your child. If you want your child to imitate single words then point out things you see using 1 to 2 word utterances. If you’d like for your child to expand his/her phrases, repeat what they say but add one more word. For example, if your child says “truck,” you can say “green truck.” This strategy is called expansion. 


Here are some vocabulary words you can introduce:

  1. Household Category: plastic, paper, can, bottle, bin, glass, recycle
  2. Science Category: planet, earth, rain, sunlight, sun, soil
  3. Plants Category: trees, flowers, grass, roots, leaf
  4. Location Category: above, below, top, bottom, next to
  5. Describing Category: little, big, tiny, huge, smooth, rough, light, heavy, dry


Recycle Story:

Peppa Pig Recycles:

Every Flower Counts Mini Movie:

Earth Song:

Planet We all Can Love:

Photo credit: Flickpicpete (Thanks for 2.5 million+ views) on VisualHunt / CC BY-ND

Looking for more fun activities? Check out our Therapy Materials section on our blog page.

Happy Earth Day!