Speech Therapy Blog

Receptive Language Milestones: Birth to Age 5
Receptive language refers to language comprehension. The chart below outlines comprehension milestones from birth until age 5. The receptive language chart also contains ideas for

Earth Day Videos for Inquiring Little Minds
Earth Day is a reminder to teach children the importance of caring for the world we live in. I’ve compiled a list of 5 Earth

Speech Teletherapy for Toddlers: 10 FAQs
Teletherapy for toddlers is possible when parents are highly involved, can take the lead and can follow the therapist’s recommendations. In this post, I answer

Reading with Toddlers: 10 Tips for Success
Reading with toddlers can be challenging but not impossible. Over the years, I’ve learned a few things about how to read to toddlers. In this

Assistance for Therapy and Equipment
Paying for therapy and medical equipment can be costly. For this reason, I’ve compiled a list of organizations that provide assistance to help fund therapy, equipment and

Speech Language Pathologist: What We Do
Speech Language Pathologist: What’s that? Say that again? Hmmm, never heard of that? So you help people talk? Oh ok, you help kids learn to

Language Delay and Teaching a Second Language
Parents frequently ask me about teaching a second language if their child has a speech or language delay. I see their point and understand why

Why Parents Should Participate in their Child’s Therapy Session
This article is dedicated to the parents of young children who receive speech-language therapy. The goal is to educate parents about the benefits of being active

Vocabulary Activity: Learning Words
Completing a vocabulary activity doesn’t have to be boring. You can teach, have fun and be silly at the same time. Below I have provided